As Barbados and most of the developed world contemplate moving to 100% renewable energy there are a number of new emerging challenges that businesses and home owners have to face. Is a battery-based grid interactive system right for your business, should your new development be powered by a microgrid, how can your business be more efficient, is your business having power quality issues? Is wind power right for my home? Let EnSmart help. EnSmart is an engineering company that specializes in renewable energy and emerging power technology.
Our Company
EnSmart Inc is an innovative energy company that specializes in implementing complex engineered systems to a user friendly, simple solution for its clients. EnSmart’s solutions are not a one size fits all but a customized solution for your home or business load profile. EnSmart has also challenges the status-quo of providing grid-tie solutions that leaving you without electricity if the utility power goes off and have developed battery based solutions that has broken the cost barrier, while maintaining quality. EnSmart can also help you to decide on the right mix of wind power and solar power to meet your specific energy needs. EnSmart will take you through a sensible approach of energy awareness, then energy efficiency and ultimately to independent self-generation with solar and/or wind.
The company is committed to the mission statement “Developing innovative solutions to meet customer’s energy needs” and to ensuring that our clients have nothing but the very best experience with EnSmart Inc.

Our Vision
EnSmart is committed to a future where sustainable renewable energy is commonplace and is the main source of energy. A future where home owners and businesses has the choice of generating and consuming their own energy or using clean renewable energy from their choice of energy provider. A future where electrified transportation is commonplace and integrated into the grid as storage. A future where the air is free of pollution from fossil fuels. A future where Barbados economy is benefiting and striving from the US$400 million of tax payers’ money re-purposed to develop this country. A future where the Smart grid allows for two communication to every household and business and provide a proactive interactive use of energy in the most effective and efficient way. This vision informs how EnSmart’s allocates its time and resources. We believe in a future with a energy independent Barbados, with a strong economy and a clean environment.
Our Brands