EnSmart takes product selection very seriously. There are a number of criteria that are considered when we are looking for products: Easy of use for customer, build quality, compliance to industry standards…to name a few. We then put them through a number of test in our lab to verify all the design specifications and the design limits. Our philosophy is break them in the lab not at the customer.

The EnSmart Advantage
EnSmart has partnered with Studer for the last ten years to bring one of the industry’s leading off-grid Inverters to Barbados, with it’s well know reliability, peak load handling ability and a number of enhanced features to make your renewable energy experience unique.
We are very excited to be soon able to introduce the next generation of inverter technology as Studer launch

Solar PV Panels
There are many manufactures of Photovaltaic panels today. EnSmart selects cost effective Tier 1 photovoltaic panels, that are made to the highest quality. What that means to our clients is a consistent power production throughout its life, which protects your investment and gives you value for your money.

Grid-tied Systems
Although EnSmart are battery specialist we also offer grid-tied systems. We offer both Resendital and Busiess solutions. From small to large scale ground mount systems. We use Fimer and Growatt inverters. Fimer is our premium brand and Growatt is our cost effective brand. Both offer a full range of solutions from small to large with Hybrid systems for persons who want to explore the benefits of both worlds.
Storage is a critical component of the future of renewable energy. EnSmart specializes in battery-based storage solutions. From a fully grid interactive solution where your system provides you with the best of both worlds (grid-tied and Off grid), or a fully off grid system where you are completely independent from the grid to a grid-tied backup solution where we can provide continuous power for your critical loads. We can do it all!!
The current most available storage technology is lithium-ion batteries. EnSmart currently uses Dyness and Hina ESS Batteries to bring world-class performance at an affordable price.
Research and development is important to us therefore we invest time and money in this area to ensure that we provide proven and cost effective high performing batteries. However we continue to evaluate new battery solutions to ensure you have access to the latest technology.

Hybrid Systems
Many people today are realizing that to just have a grid-tied system for their homes can leave them vunerable to power outages and price fluctuations. Therefore for those customers that wish to enjoy the benefits of both worlds we partnered with Luxpower to deliver ahybrid system.These systems provide some of the benefits of both worlds. Allowing you to sell energy to the utility but still have power in the case of a power outage.
EnSmart is one of the leading companies in Barbados offering hybrid systems. Delivering great flexibility to our clients allowing them to have continuous power while selling their excess energy.